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My Dearest Sirs,   You are cordially invited to share the marvelously eclectic journey that is  "Mr Campbell's Random Etchings" ~ Enjoy responsibly. Wallow in my previous posts. Share them with your friends. Tell your Mother. Feel free to click an Ad on the way out ~ no one's stopping you.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Sargent Scribble

Today's telephone pad doodle...getting Direct Debit software installed and listening to Incomprehensible Rob from IT

In situ:

Friday, 18 November 2011

Kidz Rule

Cousins Daniel, Katy and Timothy are here for a sleep-over! We had a Dalmeny Art Club ~ with mighty fine results!

Robin, by Katy

Ship, by Daniel

Tintin, by Timothy

Giraffe, by Emma

Love Heart, by Zoe

Tintin, by Katy

Captain Haddock, by Daniel

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The Monkey-Fish Swim

Due to some malfunction in my good judgement gene, at some point between May and September 2012 - I plan to swim the 1.2 miles across the river Forth between the two Queensferrys, North & South...

I was going to name the endeavour "The Great Immune System Challange", or "Anything to Get Away From Fife (A GAFF)" but Michelle came up with "The Monkey-Fish" (from where, or for why, I have no idea...no suggestions please!) and it stuck.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

James Murdoch's Memory

I'm part of a minor social media sensation! The boys at 'Irkafirka' on Twitter have thrown the doors open to us amatuer cartoonists...

Here's my effort:

View it here in all it's Irkafirka gallery glory!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Michelle (Kiss the Frog) found this really cool blog called 'Buffalog' - by Mike Maihack...this is a sketch for my version of his "Topaz"

Monday, 7 November 2011

Shoulder On!

The same rope swing that got Scott G in "Snapshot" got me too when I was 17 and tried to swing on it standing on the stick instead of sitting on it...cue suspension over a twenty foot drop hanging by one (dislocated) arm! Mum's verdict? - "Don't be rediculous! If you'd dislocated your shoulder, it would be agony!"

"....erm, hello?!"

Two nights later, diving into the swimming pool - I decided to do a Quasi Modo impersonation - with my arm coming out of my side! Now, that was agony!

Emma's Idea

Got a bit of Blogger's Block (sounds medical,eh? but I mean of the writer's variety!) and haven't been drawing for a bit - so Emma suggested that I post one of her drawings (one with a light shining above her head) to get me going again!

I think it might just work!